About the project - See presentation
The project "Improved Maritime Waters Monitoring (IMAMO)" is funded by BG02 "Integrated management of
marine and inland waters" priority BG 02.02: "Improved monitoring of
marine waters" co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European
Economic Area (EEA FM) 2009-2014.
Project duration: 13 months from 03.31.2015
The total project cost: 2,255,292 Lv
Beneficiary of the project: Institute of BAS oceanology
Partners: 1) Norwegian Institute for Water Research and
2) Basin "Black Sea
Creating sea bottom and moored in situ sensor monitoring
stations in real time;
Establishing laboratory equipment for analysis
of priority substances and specific pollutants; Preparatory
activities to obtain accreditation of the laboratory in accordance with
international standards;
Implementation of monitoring campaigns with a
focus on meeting the requirements for monitoring compliance with EU legislation
on water;
Increasing the capacity to assess the state of
the environment and personnel training.
Collecting samples for priority substances and
specific pollutants from water, sediments and biota The samples collected from
sea water, sediments and biota will be analyzed for priority substances and
specific pollutants
Delivery, installation and commissioning of the
oceanographic measuring system
Consisting of two oceanographic buoys anchored
two underwater sensor stations for real-time monitoring of key meteorological
and hydrological parameters of seawater and its adjacent atmosphere.