About the project - See presentation

The project "MARine Litter, Eutrophication and Noise assessment tools (MARLEN)" is funded by BG02 "Integrated management of marine and inland waters" priority BG 02.03: "Improved monitoring of marine waters" co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) 2009-2014.

Project duration: 13 months from 03.31.2015
The total project cost: 1,145,557 Lv
Beneficiary of the project: Institute of BAS oceanology
Partners: 1) Burgas municipality and
                2) Basin "Black Sea Region"

MARine Litter, Eutrophication and Noise assessment tools -MARLEN
Assessment tools for waste and noise eutrophication in marine waters

1. Creation of tools for assessment of the marine environment through the application of new technologies and best practices to tackle the lack of marine data in three main areas of interest:
a) Detection and classification of marine litter in coastal areas;
b) Regular monitoring in near real-time marine eutrophication of surface waters;
c) Monitoring of underwater noise.
2. Increasing the capacity to assess the state of the environment and personnel training.
3. Improving the cooperation between research institutes, regional and local authorities.